Support St. Jude

Please join us in supporting our programs with your tax-deductible donation.

Your contribution can be designated for any of the following:

Food/Program for the Needy
Catholic Scholarship Program
Catechism Class Supplies
Catholic Faith Appeal
St. Jude Youth Ministry

There are many simple ways to donate. A grocery cart is located near the entrance of the church for our Food For the Needy Program. We also encourage you to bring in your aluminum cans. The collection area is on the west side of the church.

If you would like to donate to St. Jude Parish:

 - Please contact our office (941) 955-3934

 - You can mail your gift directly to St. Jude Church at 3930 17th St., Sarasota, Fl 34235

 - Or you can click on the donation button and use PayPal to donate.

God Bless you for your generosity.